Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Modern Lifestyle In Timor Leste

Modern Lifestyle and Its Influence in Family LifeFeatured image
  1. Various Modern Lifestyle
    Modern lifestyle is a social phenomenon that occurs due to various influences that arise in society. Modern lifestyle greatly affect the values ​​that have been embedded and embedded in family life so inevitably the family confronted with these values; which ultimately must take a position to accept or reject it. The entry of values ​​and beyond that are strange and new that makes work a family of different values. Consequently families experiencing various problems and objections to that value.
    In this globalization era, attention and observation of an increasingly broad and deep on the family is needed. Books, magazines, newspapers, television, videos, compact discs (CDs), laser disc, Internet, telephone, mobile phone, dish-dish is flooded with attractive.
    Not only by experts to review the scientific basis, but also psychic wrestle that magically with various view points. Efforts are made to provide a solution to the various problems of family life. With the modern lifestyle includes extensive change process. Not only advances in technology and science, but more important is the attitude and the human mind which will be described below.
    1.1. Developments in the field of Communication and Information
    Communication is a means to express and convey information to others. What do we mean and we want can be realized through the communication that occurs unilaterally or two sides were telling each other and speak and greet. That means that communication is a basic necessity in human life.
    Communication is a tool that creates the relationship and interaction between two or more persons, who need each other.
    One does not need to be met to communicate. Simply by telephone or mobile phone, they can express their needs and intentions, as well as inform about what happened. We can know the events that occurred in Indonesia and abroad without the need to come to the scene. Television with satellite dish facility would be able to publish the Internet, so that everyone in this hemisphere can see and witness the tragedy as well as things that are fun. Interesting to observe and be observed in the film stories of war, love, telenovela, stories about celebrities such as: Gospot, and other events that can be viewed through the television.
    As social beings, every person has a need to relate and get along with others. In building these relationships and communication created by the feeling of common sense. With so people can enjoy the inner communion with others. Through a video compact disc (VCD) or laser disc (LD), people can understand themselves and others, when the films were aired it creates communication that makes us learn to build a good relationship or relationships with others. Chat facility via the internet, opportunities for every human being to establish relationships with the anyone, though not necessarily meet because only through the screen they can communicate like each other, and face to face.
    Communication is crucial in human labor relations. People can create a harmonious working relationship, and establish effective communication, if they are involved in the working relationship understanding its power and have the confidence and ability to communicate. On the other hand, they must have a sensitivity and a high degree of sensitivity to the problems of the working relationship that may occur as a result of stagnation and congestion and communication. Therefore, to maintain and enhance effective working relationships humans needed media such as computers, lap-top with a variety of programs, books, and magazine, news and advertisement can be obtained through newspapers, television, Internet, telephone , phone, and e-mail.
    1.2 Women in Career
    In this modern era, all old values ​​slowly began to change. If the first women get little opportunity to engage in various areas of public life, now, women have participated in every field of life. Especially the development in Timor-Leste today, opening opportunities for all levels of society, good and upper level and lower level, both men and women can participate in development. The myth that women just be a housewife and do the work in the kitchen is no longer relevant.
    In the field of science, men began to realize that women are able to teach and be a leader in educational institutions. Women emerge as a teacher, lecturer at various positions such as dean, provost, also experts in various disciplines. Friends, do not laugh, now women can also achieve good achievements in the field of sports volleyball, basketball, badminton, football, marathon, swimming and so on. Not only that, women also can become astronauts, police, judges, journalists, clergy and even the army.
    1.3. Violence in the Family
    We have seen two changes (positive) due to the influence of modern life. Namely the ease of communication and information as well as equality between women and men. In addition, there are also negative aspects that arise due to the influence of modern life, namely violence.
    Violence is rooted in the culture of a sick society that tends to view people in an unequal position, as the enemy, as an object. Human established itself as a beast against each other and therefore can always pounce. Violence can appear in the form of a variety such as family violence, sexual violence, violence in society (social violence).
    The tendency of people to think that his neighbor is a maid for him to send in ego has become the root causes of violence. Violence can be physical, mental / psychological, and spiritual. Physical violence is done by slapping, hitting, kicking, trampling, hitting with wood, iron, machetes, sickles, and so on. Violence mental / psychic can be done by using derogatory words, harassing, abusive, libelous, thus making others miserable, depressed, stress / depression. Social violence can be done in the form of restriction of movement and association of a person. While the spiritual violence done by making others feel guilty, sinful, inner conflict that is actually not right.
  2. Effect on the Family Modern Lifestyle
    Wave of globalization, communication and information flow accelerated and advanced not only profitable, but also have a negative impact that family life threatening. Therefore, a much-needed attention to the family. The family is the smallest unit once the basic unit of society, the nation, and the state. Similarly, the family is the smallest unit and the base unit so that the unchurched living communion become a cornerstone of the family or the main supporting pillar of the church and society.
    Increasingly recognized that the family is the most powerful container in building character, build character, personal form, and put moral values. Families are vital to success in the wider life of the community. Based on this understanding, how important it is to plan and implement efforts to solve the problems in the church life and society. The problem is the failure of love, failed in the study, frustrating work, PIL (Mr. Wonderful Other), WIL (Women’s craving Other), juvenile delinquency, school kid fights, drugs, infidelity, divorce and re-marriage, and others.
    The problems above, can occur because of the dual role of parents. The role of women as a career woman could be made neglect of duties and responsibilities as a wife and a mother accompanying her husband who had to care for and maintain their children. As a result, children in the world fall to drugs, free sex, because
    from a broken home and family as a result and the dual role of parents who pursue careers and wealth for the sake of the survival of family welfare and future of children. The purpose of living well is good, but it often results in negative side, namely, the moral looseness family.
    Television, video, DVD, compact disc (CD), laser disc (LD), mobile phones have a huge influence for the family. For families especially adolescents and youth, the facilities like a best friend who is ready to accompany him every time. Undeniably, the appeal of the shows draw from these facilities coloring style and philosophy of life of teenagers and young people and has a large stake in shaping their character. Television footage in the form of films, advertisement, soap operas, telenovelas are imported from the West, most do not contain educational information, but contains messages that can bring young people into the world of violence, free lifestyle, hedonism, the spread of drug use and drugs, free sex, prostitution early age, teen fights, and so on.
    In the eyes of a teenager, youth, and children, violence appeared to be a regular thing. Violence against evil is a heroic act, no matter the legal procedures that should apply. They become aggressive and have a tendency to solve every problem with violence against others. This is due to Other impressions, television shows often bring them into thinking I arbitrarily so that all actions do not fit the norm.
  3. Responding to the Modern Lifestyle For Family Harmony
    Families for children is a container to meet the needs of those who crave intimacy and warmth, foster confidence in yourself in relationships with others and making their own decisions and actions. The role and responsibility of parents in the faith formation of children is to give Christian teaching, in order to create a peaceful family life fellowship, joy and prosperity. Communion in the family are sources of happiness in life and values ​​of life is very precious. Parents need to teach children to obey everything that has been agreed in the family. The purpose of all the rules and discipline in the family is not just for children to obey their parents, but to make the rules as a teaching tool.
    Did friends that Christian families have become “small church”, where “church” can be a place to testify about God’s love, fellowship, and serve one another.
    Deepening Material
    Answer the following questions according to your understanding!
    1. Do you think, what is a modern lifestyle?
    2. Is the modern lifestyle that can be called modernization?
    3. Communication through the media is one of the lifestyle
    Modern. What do you understand about communication?
    4. Television is a medium of communication that is classified
    as a modern lifestyle. As a means of education, what is the function
    TV for the family?
    5. Your mother was a career woman, so it was not at home at the time
    you have a problem, when you really need it. What solution should you do?
    6. Students create reports on the observation of one harmonious family who became a mess because of the influence of modem life style dtilman.wordpress.com

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